Question: I’ve always been great at math and would like to major in it when I go to college. My parents tell me that I should choose another major that incorporates math so that I can get a job when I graduate. What do you think I should do?

Well, it’s great that you enjoy math so much. There are so many applications for math in so many professions. Your parents have a point about choosing a major that would yield you a job when you graduate. Majors like accounting or engineering are career-directed majors. Such majors are ones that recruiters visit campus to hire for jobs – and the jobs are often more plentiful in these fields.

That being said, if you are still feeling the push towards a major in pure math, visit the American Mathematical Society website. You will find kindred spirits who majored in math and found jobs in a variety of fascinating areas. You will be surprised at what these people have done with their passion for numbers!

If you decide to stick with your math direction, continue to think about what areas you want to apply it to and explore job opportunities in those areas early in your college career so you know what’s out there before you graduate. You will have to work harder at positioning yourself by networking and making contacts in your area of interest so that you have a job offer in hand as you leave the college campus. Good Luck!